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Simple & Delicious Pizza Dough

Pizza In Oven

This is a basic pizza dough recipe that I bake with a 12″ Ooni oven at high temperature. This recipe would probably work great in a conventional oven as well.

Ingredients List

  • 1 cup water
  • 2 1/4 tsp yeast
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 3 cups white flour
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp olive oil

Dough Prep Steps

This can all be combined in a single mixing bowl. I use a Kitchen Aid with a dough hook.

In a large mixing bowl add warm 1 cup of warm water (It should be hot but not uncomfortable to stick your finger in).

Dissolve the yeast into the warm water.

Add 1/2 cup whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup white flour, and 2 tsp salt into the bowl and mix it up.

Add 3 tbsp olive oil plus 1 cup of flour and mix some more.

Keep adding flour and mixing until it is roughly the consistency of pizza dough.

Turn out dough onto countertop and kneed until it’s soft and smooth.

Divide dough into 3 (or 2 for thicker curst, or 4 for very thin) smaller dough balls, coat each with a bit of olive oil.

Let dough rise covered on the counter, or using quick proofing method (below) until it is roughly double in size.

Quick Proofing

I typically do this to speed up the dough rising.

  • Place small oven safe bowl of water in the oven.
  • Turn on oven to bake and let preheat for a few minutes.
  • Turn off oven.
  • Put dough in oven to rise.
Dough In The Mixer
Dough In The Mixer
Dough Ball Ready to Rise

Pizza Prep

Roll or toss dough into 12″ circles (or whatever shape) evenly spread.

Add a bit of extra flour or corn meal to the bottom side of the dough to make it slide easily.

Optional: Place dough on pizza screen

Cover with sauce (marinara, Alfredo, pesto, or whatever) leaving a crust edge.

Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over the sauce.

Add whatever toppings you want (onions, mushrooms, peppers, olives, sausage, pepperoni, tomatoes etc…)

Add more cheese for good measure (mozzarella, parmesan, etc…)

Sprinkle with oregano and/or basil.

Ooni Oven Baking

Heat pizza oven to around 650 degrees.

Slide in the pizza.

Keep it turning every 10-20 seconds to cook evenly.

Pull the pizza out when it looks like something you’d like to eat.

Regular Oven Baking

*** Disclaimer: I’ve never used this dough recipe in a conventional oven, but if I try it sometime I’d probably do it this way.

Heat to around 500 degrees.

Insert pizza on middle rack on a stone or screen

Cook for ~8 minutes & check pizza.

Pull the pizza out when it looks like something you’d like to eat.

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