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I2C Testing with MCP2221

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The Adafruit MCP2221 breakout board can be used to bridge I2C to USB. I was able to read & write data on a 24LC256 EEPROM chip using I2C by driving the MCP2221 from my laptop with python. This handy module seems like a great way to test out I2C devices interactively.

My Setup

Python Setup

I setup a new virtual environment and installed the adafruit-blinka & hidapi libraries. Adafruit has setup instructions for Linux & Windows as well here I did not use anaconda and I’m not running a jupyter notebook for this.

FlyerII:MCP2221 ben$ python -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/adafruit
FlyerII:MCP2221 ben$ source ~/.virtualenvs/adafruit/bin/activate
(adafruit) FlyerII:MCP2221 ben$
(adafruit) FlyerII:MCP2221 ben$ pip install hidapi adafruit-blinka
Collecting hidapi

Successfully installed Adafruit-PlatformDetect-3.19.3 Adafruit-PureIO-1.1.9 adafruit-blinka-6.20.1 hidapi-0.11.0.post2 pyftdi-0.53.3 pyserial-3.5 pyusb-1.2.1

Set the BLINKA_MCP222 environment variable.

(adafruit) FlyerII:MCP2221 ben$ export BLINKA_MCP2221=1

Hardware Setup

I used the STEMMA QT to male header adapter which has 4 wires, red (5V), black (GND), blue (SDA), yellow (SCL). The 24LC256 accepts Vcc of 1.7- 5.5V, so I use the 5V coming from the MCP2221. The Vss pin is tied to ground. The address pins (A0, A1, A2) determine the device I2C address. I tied the address pins all to ground making the address 0x50. Then I connected the SDA (blue) & SCL (yellow) header pins to chip pins 5 (SDA) & 6 (SCL). Finally I tied the WP (write protect) pin to ground to enable writing.

24L256 EEPROM Layout
24LC256 Pinout
MCP2221 to 24LC256 wiring

After wiring it up I plugged the USB cable from the MCP2221 to my laptop.

I2C from Python

In python I imported the board library and checked to see if the EEPROM is connected.

>>> import board
>>> iic = board.I2C()
>>> iic.scan()

The scan found my device with address 0x50 (80 in decimal).

At this time I also hooked up a logic analyzer and startup up PulseView to capture traffic. I’m not going over logic analyzer details in this post though.

Reading & Writing

After quite a bit of data sheet reading, logic capture examining, and fiddling with the board.I2C class I was able to read & write the EEPROM with the following commands.


I wrote the value 0x0B to the address 0x0000 (high byte transferred first) with the following command.

>>> iic.writeto(0x50, bytearray([0x0, 0x0, 0x0B]))

And here is the logic capture.


I read the same address back to verify that 0x0B was written to it with the following.

>>> b_in = bytearray(2)
>>> iic.writeto_then_readfrom(0x50, bytearray([0x0, 0x0]), b_in, in_start=1, in_end=2)
>>> b_in

Here is the logic capture for that. Setting the read address and then getting the value happens about 10 ms apart.

The address write, then read.
Zoom in on the address write part
Zoom in on the read part


It took a bit of fiddling around to figure out the optional arguments in the board.I2C python class. I’m still not sure why the writeto_then_readfrom() method needed a 2-byte array and populated the first byte with a zero. The logic captures look good though.

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